The Alice Dora Foundation is committed to providing safe water to rural communities by providing boreholes


Health is a very great component of development. Unfortunately, in Uganda today, it’s still quite a struggle regardless of the different efforts set up by many people to facilitate the presence of clean water and sanitation as an aspect of good health.

According to many scholars, the human right to safe and accessible water, as recognised by the United Nations General Assembly in 2010, is inextricably linked with other human rights and therefore lack of access has a profound negative impact on many related Human Rights.

Worrying Statistics;

  • 82% of the population’s sanitation facilities in Uganda have no hand-washing facilities – only 8% have water and soap;
  • Urban households travel 200 metres to the main source of water compared to 800 metres in rural areas;
  • Only 15% of people have access to water on tap, despite improvements.

The Uganda Vision 2040 promises universal access to water and sanitation – all Ugandans will have access to safe piped water and a modern toilet facility. Some of the steps to achieve this vision involve government partnerships with the private sector to promote planned movement of people from scattered rural to planned settlements to ease delivery of utilities and services.

Borehole campaign:

The borehole campaign was designed in a bid to take clean water to people in rural areas thus giving them a chance at good health and sanitation.

With the goal to educate young children. empower youth innovations, and promote health and sanitation of community, the borehole campaign was born. The proposed place of establishment of these boreholes is next to Primary schools which is like killing two birds with one stone because the children will not have to go and fetch water from long distances thus they can focus on education (if they have a boarding section)

With this campaign the Foundation doesn’t only seek to construct these boreholes but also spread awareness to these communities on the services that the organization can support with if they are to work hand in hand.

“With these boreholes, water supply is not only dependent on unpredictable weather patterns as has been the case but also the communities get safe domestic water through the year helping the people to focus on other economic activities,” says Mark Keron Wamala, the foundation’s Public Relations Officer.

This Saturday of March 16, 2019, the Foundation will be holding an awareness interactive session with the community occupants with the aim of understanding their challenges better and with the main goal of “Touching hearts”.

Who is Alice Dora Foundation?

Alice Dora Foundation is a non-profit organization that was built on the legacy left behind by the original pioneer(Alice Dora Nankinga 1992-2018) who had a dream to provide educational opportunities to children who are in need, better family well-being at large, provide basic needs for the elderly, empower the young to exploit their skills while putting a smile on their faces.

With the same vision, the members of the foundation have carried on this dream and In line with its mission to bring development to communities, Alice Dora Foundation, is running a campaign to donate boreholes to the Kayini Kamwokya Community of Mukono.