Let’s All Join The World to Fight COVID19, Wash Hands, Self Distance, And Let’s Pray For Humanity


lthough Uganda is still boasting with no confirmed case of the Coronavirus (COVID19), this doesn’t mean that we should become lax, but rather cautious in a bid to save lives.

COVID19 pandemic has left the world scared, and in panick. All our neighbors have at least two confirmed cases of the Virus, and we must pray not only for ourselves, but even for humanity.

Today, we choose humanity. We choose love. We choose to stand by each other.

As we follow the guidelines set by the President, we further urge fellow Ugandans to wash their hands, avoid handshakes, and also practice self distancing.

In all this, let us put our hands together and pray for the safety of family, friends, and humanity.

Currently, COVID19 has affected over 183 countries, and one National Conveyance leaving over 254,697 cases, 10,447 Deaths, and only 89,071 recovered.